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Attention!! Full Or Part Time Tutors

"How To Make More Money Tutoring By Offering Effective And Engaging Online Educational Programs And Materials."

So You Can Avoid The Worry Of Losing Students Or Revenue Due To The Limitations Of Traditional In-person Tutoring"

How To Make More Money Tutoring By Offering Effective And Engaging Online Educational Programs And Materials
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From the Desk of: Fanie Naude, MD & Founder of Buznet Direct

Re: How To Create And Deliver Highly Engaging And Effective Educational Content To Your Students More Efficiently Than Ever Before.

Dear ,

You're a full or part time tutor who dreams of someday becoming a successful and effective educator making a positive impact on the lives of your students while building financial stability for yourself.


Currently, you're focused on Student Engagement and, ultimately, you really want to make a positive impact on your students' lives and help them achieve success in their academic pursuits.


However, right this minute you would be ecstatic if you could just create and deliver highly engaging and effective educational content to your students more efficiently than ever before.


But unfortunately, you still have to figure out how to differentiate yourself from competitors and establish a strong online presence, helping you to build your brand and reach a wider audience of students and
educational partners before you can move forward.

You're also probably really frustrated by the fact that you are spending a lot of time tutoring in-person while some students may not take their education seriously or may not be motivated to learn, basically just wasting everyone's time!


I know how that feels because I've been there myself... lots of times!


In fact, I struggled for a long time trying to answer this one question: "How easy is it to use a online course/training platform to deliver engaging educational content?"


Chances are you've also struggled with the idea that you may not have the technical expertise or time to effectively use such a platform. (which is bumming you out).


In fact, when it comes to making your tutoring business highly successful, you might even have a sneaky suspicion that main stream educational institutions actually hope you FAIL!

When all is said and done, you just want to:

  • Make more money tutoring and expand your student base without worrying about losing students or revenue due to the limitations of traditional in-person tutoring.

  • Effectively create and deliver engaging educational content to your students, leading to improved academic outcomes and test scores

Oh, and the icing on the cake would be if you could see results in as little as 30 days!


If this sounds at all like you and your situation, then I'd like to invite you to check out...

Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors

Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors makes it easy for you to increase your revenue streams and expand your student base by offering effective and engaging online educational programs and materials without the worry of losing students or revenue due to the limitations of traditional in-person tutoring.

You’re gonna LOVE this! Here’s just a taste of what you get with Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors

Now, that's a tall promise, and at this point you might be asking...

Helps you create and deliver highly engaging and effective educational content to your students more efficiently than ever before - Quickly!

Escape the worry of losing students or revenue due to the limitations of traditional in-person tutoring trying to make a positive impact on your students' lives and help them achieve success in their academic pursuits.

Uncover how to make a positive impact on your students' lives and help them achieve success in their academic pursuits. - No experience required!

Swiftly differentiate yourself from competitors and establish a strong online presence, helping you to build your brand and reach a wider audience of students and educational partners.... even if you think you can't do it.

Discover the amazing resources every full or part time tutor can use to increase your revenue streams and expand your student base by offering effective and engaging online educational programs and materials..

Eliminate the "freak out factor" when it comes to Student Engagement - Once And Forever!

Who Is Fanie Naude And Why Should I Listen To Him?

Fanie's love for teaching is evident in his ability to simplify complex concepts, making them easily digestible. Over the years, he's crafted numerous online courses that form the foundation of his entrepreneurial ventures.

Buznet Direct: Fanie's first major success, anchored by "The Accountant Catalyst" course, guides accountants in scaling their practices.

This venture expanded to include specialized courses for accountants, such as:

  • The Accountant Catalyst 2.0

  • Facebook Ads Training For Accountants

  • Sales Training For Accountants

  • Model For Improving Your Accounting Firm

  • Quick Return On Investment & Profit Cleanse

Building on Buznet's success, Fanie ventured into diverse industries, founding:

  • Your Marketing Company (YMC): Digital Marketing For Contractors

  • Naude Consulting: Coaching For Digital Marketers

  • Accountant Near Me (ANM): A Collective Of Accounting Firms

Each venture was complemented with tailored online courses to enhance service delivery, including:

  • Facebooks Ads Course

  • LinkedIn Catalyst

  • Google Business Profile Short Course

  • High Ticket Sales Training

  • Mental Mindset

While every venture wasn't a hit, each provided invaluable lessons from the demanding business landscape.

Now, with "Knowledgeable Tutor", Fanie aims to empower tutors with his expertise in online course creation and his trusted software platform.

He's dedicated to helping tutors amplify their earnings by delivering compelling online educational content.

Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With "Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors"

Professional E-Learning Courses/Training Platform (R7,232 Value)

  • This Makes It Easy For You To Create And Deliver Engaging Educational Content To Your Students, Leading To Improved Academic Outcomes And Test Scores

  • This makes it so you can build a high-quality brand by presenting & delivering your educational content in ‘n professional manner.

  • This means you will finally be able to increase your student experience and your reputation to the point where you charge a premium while getting new students from all over the country.

Unlimited Students (R299 per student Value)

  • This Makes It Easy For You To Grow Your Student Base As Large As You Can Handel

  • This makes it so you can deliver great educational content to as many students as you want without incurring extra costs per student that you enroll.

  • This means you will finally be able to grow your tutoring business as big and successful as you want it to be without anything holding you back.

Unlimited Products/Courses (R2,699 per course Value)

  • This Makes It Easy For You To Create All The Courses/Products That You Can Think Off Or Want To Sell.

  • This makes it so you can grow without anything holding you back, you are in full control of the amount and quality material you can create.

  • This means you will finally be able to grow your tutoring business without limitations on what you can teach or educational material you can create.

Unlimited Offers (R998 Value)

  • This Makes It Easy For You To Sell Your Educational Courses/Trainings

  • This makes it so you can package different products/courses together how you see fit, with unlimited combinations.

  • This means you will finally be able to create the perfect offer for each type of student you want to attract to your tutoring business.

Unlimited Assessments / Quizzes (R1,794 Value)

  • This Makes It Easy For You To Create Assessments / Quizzes for your educational content to test your students and/or to progress them to the next lesson if they pass the test.

  • This makes it so you can continuously test your students on the subject matter without the hassle of evaluating every quiz by hand

  • This means you will finally be able to progress students through your educational content according to their level of understanding with automated assessments/quizzes.

Custom Branding (R888 Value)

  • This Makes It Easy For You To Build A High Quality Brand And Differentiate Yourself From Your Competitors

  • This makes it so you can stand out from the crowd with your superior content, student engagement and student experience - giving better results for you and your students.

  • This means you will finally be able to charge premium prices for your superior results and grow your tutoring business to new levels of success!

Total Value: R13,910

But today, you're getting all of this...

FOR ONLY: R499 p/m per Tutor

And of course you're fully protected with our...

30 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

30 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

If "Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors" doesn't help you to build a high-quality brand by presenting & delivering your educational content in ‘n professional manner to your students ... then I don't want your money. We'll give it all back - no questions asked - no hard feelings!

This is your chance to...

Create And Deliver Highly Engaging And Effective Educational Content To Your Students More Efficiently Than Ever Before. As Quickly As 30 Days

Let me take you by the hand and make it easy for you to…

  • Make A Positive Impact On Your Students' Lives And Help Them Achieve Success In Their Academic Pursuits.

  • Create A Lasting Impact And Be Remembered As An Influential And Effective Educator Who Made A Difference In The Lives Of Their Students.

  • Create And Deliver Highly Engaging And Effective Educational Content To Your Students More Efficiently Than Ever Before.

  • Improve Your Students' Academic Outcomes. You Want To See Your Students Succeed And Achieve Their Goals, Which Can Help You Build Your Reputation And Attract More Students In The Future.

  • Save Time And Effort In Creating And Delivering Educational Content. By Streamlining Your Teaching Process, You Can Focus More On Teaching And Less On Administrative Tasks, Which Can Ultimately Help You Be A More Effective Educator.

  • Differentiate Yourself From Competitors And Establish A Strong Online Presence, Helping You To Build Your Brand And Reach A Wider Audience Of Students And Educational Partners.

  • Effectively Create And Deliver Engaging Educational Content To Your Students, Leading To Improved Academic Outcomes And Test Scores.

  • Increase Your Revenue Streams And Expand Your Student Base By Offering Effective And Engaging Online Educational Programs And Materials.

  • Do It All Without The Worry Of Losing Students Or Revenue Due To The Limitations Of Traditional In-person Tutoring.

  • ... and Much, MUCH More!

Claim Your Access to "Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors"

Right Now!

Here's Everything You Get Today

Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors
  • Professional E-Learning Courses/Training Platform (R7,232 Value)

  • Unlimited Students (R299 per student Value)

  • Unlimited Products/Courses (R2,699 per course Value)

  • Unlimited Offers (R998 Value)

  • Unlimited Assessments / Quizzes (R1,794 Value)

  • Custom Branding (R888 Value)

Contact DetailsYour Account Info
Payment DetailsYour Billing Info
Account Address

Total Value: R13,910

But today, you're getting all of this...

FOR ONLY: R499 p/m per Tutor

It doesn't matter if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!


Register now and you'll be on your way to accessing your own online course and training platform and incredible bonuses… and using it to increase your revenue streams and expand your student
base by offering effective and engaging online educational programs and materials in as little as 30 days!


To your success,

Fanie Naude , MD & Founder of Buznet Direct

P.S. - Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors is worth MORE than $ Total Value. This special price of $ Today Price is a "Buy it NOW before it's gone" offer... so act fast!... ..


P.P.S. - Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you differentiate yourself from competitors and establish a strong online presence, helping you to build your brand and reach a wider audience of students and educational partners. or not? Probably not!


Face it. Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who's "been there and done that" when it comes to building and selling courses to students. Get this online course and training platform NOW and you can increase your revenue streams and expand your student base by offering effective and engaging online educational programs and materials in as little as 30 days!

Buznet’s E-Learning Platform For Tutors is your key to:

  • Make more money tutoring and expand your student base without worrying about losing students or revenue due to the limitations of traditional in-person tutoring.

  • Effectively create and deliver engaging educational content to your students, leading to improved academic outcomes and test scores

Act now! Buy now! Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

© 2023 Knowledgeable Tutor

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